SeAT is an authentication and operations platform that links to your EVE ESI data. If you have any questions about how to authenticate, see our step-by-step guide.

For your convenience and security, we offer three levels of authentication. Once you've authenticated, be sure to go to Connector>Identities>Join Server to link your SeAT account with our Discord.


This provides access only to publicly available information. Use this level of access if you just want to verify the identify of your character.

LOG IN with EVE Online

HMA Members

This provides access to all the scopes necessary for the functionality used by SeAT. Use this level of access if you wish to participate in non-public HMA activities.

LOG IN with EVE Online

Full Access

This provides access to all available scopes. Use this level if you require trusted access within the Rogue corporate family or the HMA).

LOG IN with EVE Online